Modern Baa- La La - Monthly Subscription (save 15%)

A$221.00 every month

Modern Lamb/Hogget Butcher Box

Monthly — Add to cart

Modern Lamb/Hogget Butcher Box

Modern Lamb/Hogget Butcher Box

Half Body/ Side Includes:
Up to 10kg, subject to animal size

- Shoulder Roast (incl. Shank) (serves 4)
- Easy Carve Leg Roast (serves 4)
- 8 Cutlets, french trimmed
- Shoulder Rack (serves 4)
- Lamb strips (serves 4)
- 4 Rump Steaks
- 4 Loin Steaks
- 6-8 Riblets
- Fillet

Alternative Options:

Modern - Bi-Monthly Subscription (save 10%)
A$234.00 every 2 months
Modern Baa-lala Box

Our system will automatically place your order and withdraw your scheduled payment, so you have a steady supply.

You will also be able to create an account with us so you can monitor your subscription whenever you like.

Community Supported Agriculture - Your ongoing support allows us to better manage the farm.
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Delivery Windows & Notifications

  • Ordering opens each month, we then close orders and the process begins, with your Butcher Box arriving about 10 days from the close of orders each month.

  • Updates of delivery and expected delivery dates will be conveyed to you by SMS.

  • You will need to respond acknowledging receipt. If you are not able to be at home then you must give instructions for where the delivery person should leave your Butcher Box. 

  • The courier cannot give specific delivery times it will be between 7.00am - 6.30 pm on the given date.

Receiving Your Order & Storage

  • Our animals are raised here at Balala station, processed and packaged by a certified butcher and distributed fresh (not frozen) via refrigerated courier.

  • Our produce is perishable and each vacuum package has a best before date on the label. It needs to be refrigerated or placed in the freezer as soon as possible after delivery.

  • Wool insulation and the frozen gel pack included in the box with your order should ensure your order stays fresh and cold if left in a cool, shaded position unopened for some hours. However, we advise that we cannot take responsibility for the box and contents after delivery.